I thought it was about time I showed another selection of my handbag collection. So, this bunch of rather nice vintage bags is my favourite haul. I've put little descriptions under each one..

This black leather handbag with silver clasp is one of my favourites, its super strong and large enough to fit all kinds of 'life rubbish' in. I picked it up a few years ago at one of my favourite antique fairs in Lincolnshire http://www.asfairs.com/ . The lady who sold it to me had just brought it over from france and we think it dates back to the 1930s.
This is my favourite 1950s basket bag with cream leather lid. It makes me want to wear flower print dresses and go for long walks through fields. Unfortunately my hayfever gets in the way of those long walks but it is still well loved and used for lunch dates and weekends away.
So, these bags are not technically vintage but they are lovingly hand made by my friend, stall holder and designer Karina Hesketh. Karina is one of the most talented bag designer makers in this country. each one is hand made using the best leather money can buy, infact both of these bags are made from vintage leather from Mulberry. They have vintage fastenings and are all fully lined in leather. I have 5 of her bags but do hope to up the number to 6 when I see her at our Newcastle and Durham vintage fairs. If you want to own one of Karina's bags then visit her website